With over 25 years of experience managing more than 50 employees in an office setting, Ellen Oliveri is our Office Manager at Dermatology and Skin Cancer Center. Her seasoned experience ranges from Managing offices in the business world: medical, sales, construction, and accounting, to name a few. She takes pride in providing the best possible customer service, and support services while maintaining administrative systems and working closely with representatives to ensure the best outcome for the practice. She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management and is a notary. Ellen spends her free time watching her college sons play ice hockey and traveling ALL over to see their games. She and her husband Joe have been married for 25 years. Ellen loves to walk her three rescue dogs when she gets home from work. She also donates her time to the community and donates resources to local charities and groups.

Ellen Oliveri
Office Manager
E-mail: officemanager@skincenternj.com